Wing Tai Properties Limited

Wing Tai Properties Limited (previously USI Holdings Limited) is Hong Kong based property developer, operator of hospitality services and owner of several tailoring factories.

Listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange from formation in 1991, it operates hotels under the brand names of WingTai Asia and Lanson Place. Its tailoring brands include ownership of British bespoke tailor Gieves & Hawkes.


Lanson Place

Lanson Place(Chinese:逸兰), set up in 1995, is a premium hospitality investment and management brand. It manages a boutique hotel opened in Hong Kong in 2005, and seven serviced residences in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Lanson Place Jin Qiao, has been the Designated Property and Accommodation Service Apartments for the EXPO 2010 Shanghai China.

WingTai Asia

In July 2007, USI completed a general offer for the issued shares of Winsor Properties Holdings Limited. This rationalized Wing Tai Holdings and USI’s shareholding in Winsor Properties, resulting in USI holding an interest of about 80%.


USI’s has garment factories in Hong Kong, China and Southeast Asia. It also has garment trading and branded products distribution, including the internationally renowned British label of Gieves & Hawkes.


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